Function to simulate quantum entanglement between two qubits



  • Qubit Initialization: We start by defining two qubit objects, qubit1 and qubit2, with their state properties set to undefined to represent an unmeasured (superposition) state.
  • Entanglement Simulation: The function measureQubits simulates the measurement of these qubits. It randomly generates an outcome (0 or 1) and assigns this value to both qubits simultaneously. This mimics the property of entangled qubits, where the state of one instantly influences the state of the other upon measurement.
  • Measurement: When entangledSystem.measure() is called, it executes the measureQubits function, and you'll observe that both qubits always have the same state after measurement.
  • Output: The console will display the measured states of both qubits, demonstrating that they are always identical due to entanglement.

Note: This is a simplified simulation intended to represent the concept of quantum entanglement in a programmatic way. Real quantum entanglement involves complex phenomena that cannot be fully captured in classical code without specialized quantum computing libraries.


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